
Fall 2016 teaser video is here!

I can't think of a better way to convince you to buy tickets to a concert than to show you what you will be missing if you don't. Check out the fall teaser video below and see what moves you! Then buy tickets here

Take our Buzzfeed quiz!

Making this quiz took me two straight days of work, but it will take you less than 2 minutes! Ten quick questions will help you decide which of our Fall 2016 concerts is you're personal can't-miss! From your favorite cocktail, to your favorite food, to the top of your travel bucket list, we take the guesswork out of what concert you should spend your hard earned money on! Though please feel free to buy to ALL THE CONCERTS, not just the one that your answers are based off of. There wasn't an option to "BUY ALL OF THEM" when creating the quiz.

Click here to take the quiz now!

Buzzfeed photo collage

My Travels to Guatemala

Last night, I arrived in Boston after spending two amazing weeks dancing, teaching, and performing in Guatemala! I traveled with an organization called JUNTOS Collective, which is a non-profit group that aims to engage and stimulate communities of dance lovers world-wide.


We traveled to Livingston, Xela, Retalhuleu, Antigua, and Guatemala City. I met and worked with people of all ages and backgrounds. Our outreach ranged from performing at HIV Centers, hospitals, and public schools and on community stages, tile floors, and concrete surfaces. This included a school for deaf children, dancers from a professional theme park, people who had no dance training, and professional ballet school students.

Oh, and one other miniscule detail. I didn’t speak a lick of Spanish past “Hola” and “Gracias”.


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