Submitted by Jennifer on January 23, 2014 - 15:52
A review of the SOLD OUT Fanfare Ciocarlia performance (our first of the Winter/Spring 2014 season!) by one of my new favorite patrons Yvonne Brunot!
Last Wednesday, January 15th, was nodoubt a day of routine pleasantry for most of the population of Somerville, MA. The year of 2014 is in its infancy, yet the warm holiday glow of past weeks had faded, and the lives of most have returned to the rhythms of daily life.
Except at Johnny D's.
Submitted by Jennifer on December 23, 2013 - 16:45
I finally got a World Music/CRASHarts OFFICIAL blog! And I am so excited to share with you all the things I find online that keep me entertained. Here will be the place where you find updates to our concert season, special contests, items of interest, and general musings. I do hope you follow us regularly and I ask that you share anything you like with your friends via social media. All those links out there that eventually lead back to our website, help more people see our site and discover our concerts.