Artistic Innovations - Spring 2018

Celebrating the Musical Legacy of Zakir Hussain 

This spring, World Music/CRASHarts celebrates and honors tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain by presenting three collaborative concerts with an all-star cast of artists representing classical Indian music, contemporary dance, and jazz.  We are proud to have championed the music of Zakir Hussain for over 20 years, providing a platform for his creative explorations and legendary collaborations.

Funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. 

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Celebrating Zakir Hussain





World Music/CRASHarts Commissions New Work with Alonzo King LINES Ballet


Pushing the boundaries of creative exploration for more than 27 years, World Music/CRASHarts expands its role as a presenter to commission new artistic works. Our first commission brings together San Francisco’s visionary choreographer Alonzo King and India’s tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain to create a new work which will make its East Coast premiere on April 20-22, at the ICA/ Boston. These two masters from diverse disciplines and cultures combine principles of contemporary ballet with the complex rhythms of India to create a new collaborative dance piece.

Funded in part by the Barr-Klarman Foundations Artistic Risk Initiative. 

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